Saturday, December 16, 2017


Have you ever wondered what truly makes you happy? By happiness of the soul, i dont mean the happiness we get when we buy expensive stuff such as iphones, laptops designer handbags etc. but the kind of happiness that our soul craves. In todays world, stress has become a major part in a person 's life. If you go around asking people if they are happy or not with their lives, alot of them will answer in a negative way. And no, being wealthy does not a mean a person is happy. If it was, then alot of celebraties wouldn't have committed suicide. Here is a list of what i think are 4 ways to make your soul happy.

1. Exploring Nature
Nowadays people are so tied up in their phones and tablets that they have forgotten to experience nature and feel its beauty. Research has revealed that nature relieves stress and anxiety and also heals our mind, body and soul. I always found visiting beaches to be so relaxing. The calm sound of the waves bring peace and serenity to my soul. When i am there, i feel as if my senses have awaken and have gone into some kind of a bliss. Try taking a stroll in the woods or maybe a park and you wont be dissapointed. Gift nature to your soul.

2. Company of a Good friend
Trust me when i say this friends, there is nothing like a company of a true and sincere friend. I am not talking about friends that are only there in your good times but the one who have been there for you, looked out for you and cared for you during the ups and downs of life.  Friends help us cope with hardships in life, increase our self esteem and make us want to be a better person.  Now its tiime to ring up that close friend of yours and make precious and happy memories together that will last a lifetime!

3. Praying
Yes, you heard it praying is a great way to bring peace and serenity to your soul.  Feeling stressed out and tense? talk to God and tell him whats going on in your life. Now alot of you may think praying as the last way to be happy but scientific research has also proven this. Faith and spirituality increases are overall well being and energizes our soul. Besides Releiving stress, praying has other benefits as well. It makes people nicer, helps to improve their self control and also increases trust  which as result, is good for the society.

4. Helping Others
Now you have probably heard of the phrase "helping others helps yourself". I believe it to be completely true as i have experieced this myself.  Few years back, I started sponsoring an orphan.  His mother was very poor and had no means to support him .  I cant describe the feeling i had when i started to help this orphan. It felt so good inside. Helping him made me want to help more orphans like him. A small act of kindness can do wonders to your soul.  If you dont believe me try it yourself.

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